Zombies are fictional undead creatures which are usually en counted in horror and fantasy. They are also known as mindless, reanimated corpses with a hunger for human flesh. Most 20th century ideas about zombies were from Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. Zombies are also known as ghouls because the name zombie is unclear. We have taken inspiration from a variety of media to help us develop our own unique zombie ideas:
'Shaun Of The Dead'
We struggled to think of a efficient way to portray social zombies without extravagant sets and an unlimited budget. With a little advice we are taking inspiration from the first few minutes of 'Shaun of the Dead' the 2004 spoof zombie film directed by Edgar White. At the beginning of the film, although an infection has not yet spread, the people of London are shown as social zombies due to there repetitive every-day roughteen and overall monotonous lives. The protagonist, Shaun, is so much of a social zombie it takes him a good 15 minuets of the film to realise a infection has spread the city (http://www.youtube.com/watchv=mqQ8Y9Sjp7o&list=PLA4D602E0BDEEB70E). I love the advert for this film (perticualy the use of bright and dull colour) and think it does a superb job of presenting this element of the film.
< I perticualy like this screen shot as the door frame seems to box in the characters suggesting they are stuck in both a mental and physical rut; and that even though they could walk through the door frame, they do not, just as they have opotunitys to brake the monotony of there lives, they choose not to. This is in keeping with the conversation in this scene. I like this idea and hope to use a similar one to show how the zombies in our video are also trapped.
[*REC] is the 2007 film directed by Jaume Balaguero and Paco Plaza and is a Spanish horror/thriller filmed compleatly filmed by a hand heled camera. I liked how this technique adds an element of tension and panic to an already chaotic plot.I really like this technique as we want to portray a hectic, frenzied representation of zombies. In [REC*] there are many other camera angles and techniques such as canted angles and very fast pans and tilts (temporally blurring the image, adding to the sense of confusion). Because we have planned very fast editing for our video I think it would be good to add some of these methods to create the right mood and hopefully make our video memorable.
Videos that have inspired us!
Sandi Thom, 'Lonely Girl'
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYCttCTr_joWe took inspiration from Sandi Thom's music video "Lonely Girl". Although it is in a different genre, we wanted to get a similar message across.
In the video, the girl feels like nothing is going right for her and that she is alone and invisible. Later on in the video, she is shown as becoming the ghost of who she used to be.
She wants to be noticed, whereas, our protagonist wants to blend into the crowd and to feel like everyone else.

We would like the audience to feel a similar connection to our character, As well as feeling sympathy towards towards her, like they would in this video.