We faced unforeseen problems when filming the ending of our video and so have changed and improved a few details that allow us to keep our ending and help us show what we want to get across much better.
The main problem was that we wanted out lead actor to pretend to vomit the blood concoction we had made which, naturaly, was very unplesent for her(as it was made mostly of ketchup and BBQ sauce). Because of this we could not get the shots we needed in our original shoot.
Our new plan was to get her to pretend to vomit melted blackcurrant sorbet, which she will like much more and it still looks like blood. I feel our new shots work very well and we do not need anything more for this scene.
One of our main concerns was the amount of comments we got about the location of our videos. We wanted the places to look dull, ordinary and vaguely suburban, while also looking intimidating We chose this bridge as we feel it has all these quality the old brick and concrete look is pretty common in housing areas but the graffiti, dead leaves and the shadows of the metal fence add the sinister and stylised effect we are looking for.
I love the tall shadows the fence has made, reminiscent of prison bars, which links to our theme
of being trapped or restrained by society and your own fears.
People commented on the hand dropping the empty packets of pills at the end of our video (stating it looked like a very unatural drop) so we knew we needed to re-film this shot. The new shot is very smooth and we have also decided to fade to black at the end of our video to mimic the way our protagonist slips out of consciousness As we have followed her through her day, seeing the world through her eyes it is only fitting that we exsperiance what she if experiencing at this point in time. This will finish off the video nicely, adding a more finalized feeling to the end.
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