I drew up a quick story board to help us visualise what we are doing:
The filming itself went very well. We worked out a system where we would film one or two students at a time around the desk in a way that allowed us to keep the actors with their zombie make up done already out of the shot. Our two mane conserns while filming were:
1 - actors move as little as possible while there makeup is being done
This was possibly the most challenging thing we have done, not only in this project, but in the whole of our media course to date. It was essential that we got everything right first time as we only had one chance to do it. We were sure to brief our actors beforehand, telling them what we were doing and why and trying to explain what it would look like after it had been edited. It was essential for our actors to understand this so they had a better understanding of what we were trying to achieve and what we were asking of them.
I think the filming went very well and we are really pleased with how similar the shots turned out:
I think the filming went very well and we are really pleased with how similar the shots turned out:
Overall this scene went very well and a little part of me cant believe we actually pulled it off! this scene really challenged are organisational skills, attention to detail (like meis en scene and the slightest camera movements), special effects skills and editing skills. We are really pleased we took this last minuet risk as it really pays off and makes our video look so much more proffetional (as well as helping it make a lot more scene).
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